Long Term Ecohydrological Research Poland
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PAST EVENT: International Course: Long term socio-ecological research: What do we know from science and practice?

The emerging interdisciplinary field of Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research, abbreviated LTSER, aims at observing, analyzing, understanding and modelling of changes in coupled socio-ecological (or human-environment) systems over longer, i.e. at least decadal, sometimes even centennial, periods of time. LTSER is focused on interactions between societies and ecosystems at various spatial and temporal scales. By including long-term monitoring, historical research, forecasting and scenario building, empirical and conceptual research as well as participatory approaches, LTSER aims at providing a knowledge base that helps to reorient socio-economic trajectories towards more sustainable pathways.

Date: June 14-17 2011
Venue: Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Helsinki, Finland

Organized by

The Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network (ALTER-Net) (Jiska van Dijk), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) (Eeva Furman, Leena Kopperoinen, Laila Liukka), Institute of Social Ecology (SEC)/Alpen-Adria Universität (Simron Jit Singh), Helsinki University Centre for Environment (HENVI) (Jari Niemelä), InterAcademy Panel (IAP) (Kinga Krause)

Target group

Long term socio-ecological research-oriented ALTER-Net researchers, LTSER platform managers and researchers from LTER-Europe, other interested researchers.


The emerging interdisciplinary field of Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research, abbreviated LTSER, aims at observing, analyzing, understanding and modelling of changes in coupled socio-ecological (or human-environment) systems over longer, i.e. at least decadal, sometimes even centennial, periods of time. LTSER is focused on interactions between societies and ecosystems at various spatial and temporal scales. By including long-term monitoring, historical research, forecasting and scenario building, empirical and conceptual research as well as participatory approaches, LTSER aims at providing a knowledge base that helps to reorient socio-economic trajectories towards more sustainable pathways.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together scholars and practitioners engaged with Long-term Socio-ecological Research to discuss the state-of-the-art in terms of science and practice, and to build stronger links between the two.




(c) LTER 2009, design and engine: neurino