Long Term Ecohydrological Research Poland
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eLTER H2020
LTER-Europe project within H2020
Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem & Socio-Ecological Research Infrastructure - eLTER
PAST EVENT Annual ILTER meeting, 2014 & All Scientists Meeting of the Americas
Annual ILTER meeting, 2014 & All Scientists Meeting of the Americas, 1-8 December 2014, in Chile.
COST Action ES1203 Training School - Call for Trainees
Call for trainees: COST Action ES1203 Training School on Drivers - pressures and indicators for monitoring treeline ecosystems. The SENSFOR ?Enhancing the resilience capacity of SENSitive mountain FORest ecosystems under environmental change? is an initiative as a Concerted Action of the COST (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) agency, supported by the European Science Foundation.
LTER-Europe and EnvEurope hold key meeting in Rome
LTER-Europe has teamed up with the LIFE+ project EnvEurope for its annual meeting in Rome this week. It should be an important event.
PAST EVENT: 10th LTER-Europe Conference
The 10th LTER-Europe Annual Conference wil take place in Sophia, 3-7 December 2012. It will be organized as a joint initiative of LTER-Eu, and two projects Life+ EnvEurope project and EXPEER.
BIOGEOMON 2012 is the 7th International Conference on Ecosystem Behavior. The conference has been held every three years since 1987, at sites alternating between Europe and North America. BIOGEOMON 2012 includes 14 Conference Themes with technical sessions throughout the week highlighted by internationally recognized plenary speakers each day of the conference. The sequence of plenary speakers broadly addresses records of environmental change through time. The Conference Themes explore cutting edge research on the biogeochemistry of our planet, emphasizing terrestrial ecosystems.
ESOF 2012
PAST EVENT: Euroscience Open Forum 2012
From 11th-15th of July 2012 international researchers, policy makers, business leaders and global media will gather in the Convention Centre in Dublin, Ireland to take part in the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF), 2012. A science conference like no other, ESOF 2012 is unique in representing the largest convergence of the Sciences, Humanities and Culture in Europe in 2012.
PAST EVENT: IUFRO Conference: "Biological Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution", Lithuania.
International conference of IUFRO Research Group 7.01.00 coorganized by Life + project EnvEurope.
PAST EVENT: EnvEurope and LTER-Europe Session at 12th European Ecological Federation Congress
The EnvEurope project and the LTER-Europe network will participate to the 12th EEF Congress (EEF, www.europeanecology.org), which will take place in Ávila, Spain, from 25th to 29th September 2011. A specific SESSION of the Congress will be dedicated to EnvEurope Project and to the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) themes. The title of the Session will be: "Sharing and harmonizing long-term ecosystem research and monitoring across Europe: contributions and experiences from the EnvEurope Life + project and the LTER-Europe network in 21 countries"
PAST EVENT: International Course: Long term socio-ecological research: What do we know from science and practice?
The emerging interdisciplinary field of Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research, abbreviated LTSER, aims at observing, analyzing, understanding and modelling of changes in coupled socio-ecological (or human-environment) systems over longer, i.e. at least decadal, sometimes even centennial, periods of time. LTSER is focused on interactions between societies and ecosystems at various spatial and temporal scales. By including long-term monitoring, historical research, forecasting and scenario building, empirical and conceptual research as well as participatory approaches, LTSER aims at providing a knowledge base that helps to reorient socio-economic trajectories towards more sustainable pathways.
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(c) LTER 2009, design and engine: neurino