PAST EVENT 10th INTECOL: Ecology in a changing climate - two hemispheres, one globe.
This year an annual ILTER Coordinating Committee Meeting and ILTER symposium will be organised at INTECOL meeting.
The 10th International Congress of Ecology will be held in Brisbane, Australia, 16-21 August 2009. The Congress will be hosted by the Ecological Society of Australia in partnership with the New Zealand Ecological Society.
The timetable for ILTER events is:
- Monday 17 August (Brisbane) - ILTER Symposium at INTECOL (offers of papers should be sent to Tim Clancy - see below)
- Saturday 22nd August - ILTER Workshop at INTECOL (Brisbane) - "Strategic directions for global networks relevant to long-term ecosystem research"
- Sunday 23 - Monday 24 August - ILTER Co-ordinating Committee Meeting (after INTECOL). Venue: O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat - this will give us a great chance to get away from the distractions of Brisbane and experience a real Australian ecosystem. More information at